Wednesday, July 16, 2008


(A Brian Quig Article From 1991)


presents some graphic statistics. If we start with the year 1980 and measure to the year 1990, according to the IRS, income for those making $20,000 to $50,000 went up 44%, just barely keeping even with inflation. For those earning salaries of $200,000 to $1,000,000, their income went up 697%. Those making more than $1,000,000 a year (for the most part the friends of Reagan and Bush) received a 2,184% increase! Those "friends" making more than a million a year in 1980 were making 21 million a year in 1990! This is more than obscene. It is criminal. It may never be reversable.

Where did these windfalls come from? They came from the multitudes making less than $20,000 a year. This group was devastated. Many who were making $16 and $18 per hour had difficulty finding jobs making $6 per hour ))) this primarily the result of multinationals moving out of the country. T

Not only is it a right to accumulate wealth but a responsibility. There are many who speak of being free but true freedom begins after one has accumulated enough capital to live securely off the interest. This only begins after a net worth of about $600,000. That is the beginning of owning oneself. Conservatives understand this principal well. That is why most conservatives fall within an income range of $60,000 to $500,000 a year. Those making more than this tend to drift to the methods of making money by coopting government for their purposes. These individuals, once they have discovered the public trough are usually lost to the conservative cause. While there was still some political contest between conservatives and Eastern Establishment Liberals it was Barry Goldwater who represented the small millionaires and Nelson Rockefeller who represented the billionaires.

While the lowest economic class was plundered this nation's ruling class bought off the conservative class with substantial bribes. Although the range selected for this comparison does not coincide precisely with the conservative income range (most conservatives realized income increases of about 200%) one gets the idea that conservatives were paid off but not as well as the elitists paid off themselves. But heed this warning. Conservatives will be the final victims of the Eastern Liberal Establishment. And final days are coming. If conservatives do not make an effort to ally with the less advantaged, to stand up for the rights of all players to compete on a level playing field, when the final confrontation comes, alone, conservatives will be easy pickings.

In summary the REPUBLICANS are no better than the DEMOCRATS precisely because these parties work together to effect a monopoly. Look at the candidates. George Bush stated "I owe everything I am today to David Rockefeller." Bill Clinton was mentored by Winthrop Rockefeller since the days he was in high school. ROCKAPUBLICIAN or ROCKACRAT, EITHER WAY YOU HAVE A BIG BROTHER AT THE CHASE MANHATTAN.

The REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRAT are one party masquerading as two. It matters not to the international bankers whether our government over spends on useless defence or over spends on useless social programs. There is only one solution. Independent candidates. Our founding fathers never intended these political parties. I have proposed a guest column this issue featuring the brilliant political strategist, Earnest Hancock. Hancock is challenging the unlevel playing field established by the two monopoly parties. While my columns detail WHAT political criminals have done to this country, Earnest Hancock details HOW it is being done. Only when we know how can we remedy our political process. This is why what he is saying is far more important than anything I say. It is only a matter of time before his prescriptions succeed. I invite you to read his column.

No one has dared utter the reason H. Ross Perot was ordered to cease and desist. All across the nation citizens supporting Perot were spontaneously constructing an alternative to the REPUBLICAN and DEMOCRATIC parties. But this grouping of people, tired of going to the polls and having the choice of polio or cancer, were proving to be more and more impossible for Perot to control. And the possibility that this organization would emerge next election as a force to contend with the monopoly parties was down right frightening to the powers that be. If the ruling class thought a third party was frightening ))) wait until they find out what Ernie Hancock has in mind.

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