Wednesday, July 16, 2008


(A Brian Quig Article From 1991)

is Col. Fletcher Prouty's first party account on how the CIA generated the Vietnam war. This account starts in 1945 with the surrender of Japan. As the surender was being signed on the battleship Missouri, half of the weapons that were stockpiled on Okinawa for the final assault of mainland Japan (which was not required) were sent to Korea and the other half were sent to North Vietnam. Waiting to meet this shipment of the finest, most up to date arms (enough to arm to the teeth an army of 450,000 men) at Haiphong Harbor were Ho Chi Minh, his military commander General Giap, and their CIA case office General Lucien Conein. Not unrelated to the CIA's drug trafficking activities of this Vietnam era, Conein became the first Director of the DEA. In this position, Conein was intensely active in Arizona and Mexico.

In the forefront of the generation of the Vietnam war was the U.S. chief of clandestine operations, General Edward Lansdale. In 1954 John Foster Dulles was rebuffed by the British who refused to support Foster's plan to use nuclear weapons to rescue the besieged French garrison at Dien Bein Phu. Thereafter, when Lansdale spread rumors and dropped pamphlets stating that the United States was preparing to H)bomb the northern portion of Vietnam off the map, a million Tonkin Vietnamese began a massive migration from north to south.

These Tonkin Vietnamese (being for the most part Catholics) soon supplanted the indigenous southern Vietnamese when South Vietnamese President Diem gave them preference over those whose ancestors had lived in the south for countless centuries. All the official positions of village chiefs, mayors, construction contractors ))) all were given to these northerners. These newcomers soon displaced the indigenous papulation who were reduced to banditry for their very survival. The indigenous population then were referred to as the Viet Cong. Communism played no role in this conflict.

Prouty related how it was always the position of the U.S. government that the Vietnam war was prosecuted from North Vietnam but the fighting was all in the south ))) almost nothing on the northern border.

At the time Col. Prouty retired from the U.S. Air Force, in 1964, he was the liaison between the Secretary of Defence and the CIA Director, Allen Dulles. Prouty was in a unique position to perceive what was going on in the CIA and what pressures were on President Kennedy. On frequent occasions, Prouty would work out of the home of Secretary of State John Foster Dulles with the Dulles brothers on fast breaking world affairs. Allen Dulles was the CIA Director that John Kennedy fired after the Bay of Pigs fiasco who sat on the WARREN COMMISSION. All knowledgeable researchers place the Dulles brothers within the circle of the conspirators.

If we only knew then, what we do now, it would have been easy to identify the other conspirators. Lyndon Johnson lived across the street from J. Edger Hoover for 22 years in Washington D.C. Johnson was associated with Jack Ruby in Dallas. Hoover attended the meeting at the Clint Murcheson ranch, along with Richard Nixon and high ranking military, where the last minute details of the assassination were worked out. Richard Nixon first told the FBI he did not remember where he was when JFK was murdered. Then he said he was in Dallas but flew out an hour before the shooting. He lied. Executives at the PEPSICO meeting attended by Nixon related that not only was Nixon there when the shooting happened but Nixon was the only person who wanted to go on working after the shocking news of the President's death.

At the street level below these conspirators we find the CIA Bay of Pigs operatives Frank Sturgus, Jack Youngblood and E. Howard Hunt being photographed in the famous "tramp photos". These three suspects were arrested in a boxcar which was parked behind the grassy knoll picket fence over which the fatal shot was fired. These 3 assassins were released after 15 minutes by the FBI without being finger printed, photographed or identified and were last seen leaving Dallas in a police squad car. As a litmus test, any documentary which omits these photos is probably a fraud. These photos have never been shown by the mass media to the American public.

In the "tramp" photo which shows the woman holding her hand over her face (some believe this is CIA operative Mrs. E. Howard Hunt) the back of an individual's head is seen which Prouty identifies as General Lansdale. Prouty says he worked with Lansdale for 19 years and he knew him when he saw him )) evem from the back of his head. As a matter of fact, it is accepted by police photo metrics that the ear is the most identifiable feature of any photograph.

Shortly before Oliver Stone filmed the shooting scene in Dallas, I had produced an event for a local college with Robert Groden, the photographic expert employed by the SELECT COMMITTEE ON ASSASSINATIONS. Groden has the world's largest photo collection on the JFK murder. He spent a quarter of a million dollars of his own money to enhance the famous Zapruder film which showed the president's head definitely was propelled backward from a frontal shot. One week after this film was shown for the first time to the American Public on the GERALDO RIVIERA SHOW the House voted to reopen the JFK and Martin Luther King assassination investigations, empaneling the SELECT COMMITTEE ON ASSASSINATIONS. Geraldo was pulled off TV for 2 years for doing this.

One of the students who arranged the Groden presentation here traveled to Dallas to see the filming of the shooting scene. Stone had relandscaped Dealey Plaza and replaced the old road signs to make it identical to Nov. 22, 1963. This student leaderT h) Tdescribed how Robert Groden choreographed the shooting scene with 3 notebooks of photos and 250 actors dressed exactly as each of the original witnesses were on the fateful day ))) each recreating the exact movements of the original witnesses. Very impressive.

The lead role of the New Orleans District Attorney, Jim Garrison, will be played by Kevin Costner. Jim Garrison will be playing Chief Justice Earl Warren ))) a fine touch of irony. Robert Groden will play one of the Parkland doctors and the second largest role in the movie will be Donald Sutherland playing the legendary Fletcher Prouty. This movie will make national heros out of Garrison and Prouty ))) and rightfully so.

It was not until 1971 that it occurred to me that our president was murdered by a conspiracy. I was a graduate student, living in an old mansion with 5 other graduate students, when the ballistic evidence came to my attention. This was more than enough to convince me that the official version was wrong. I started to research on my own. I soon concluded that the CIA was involved.

In July 1974 I picked up the CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER and saw the headline that my congressman, James V. Stanton, Democrat, Ohio, had become the chairman of the committee in the House investigating allegations of police state activity on the part of CIA and FBI. This was after the forced resignation of President Richard Nixon.

The CHURCH COMMITTEE in the senate was a sister committee in this investigation. In the House the chairmanship was passed around like a hot potato. Jim Stanton became chairman after he led a group of freshman congressmen know as the "young turks" in a successful bid to depose Lucien Nedzi, the original sub)committee chairman, who was chairman of the overall HOUSE INTELLIGENCE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE. Nedzi was deposed when it was made public that Nedzi was giving the CIA the green light on clandestine operations and then not informing the other committee members. Stanton included the entire HOUSE INTELLIGENCE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE members on the sub committee thereby taking over the entire committee.

Stanton then gave a fatal press conference wherein he stated that he intended to "hold open televised hearings" and that to his knowledge "the CIA had assassinated at least one foreign head of state". The House came to a boil. Stanton was denounced on the House floor as a "Benedict Arnold". Like Frank Church, Stanton was successfully tarketed for defeat in the next election. Others in the House and Senate learned fast from this example. T H& T

The day after the press conference, I contacted the Congressman and volunteered my research services and those of 4 law students at CLEVELAND MARSHAL LAW SCHOOL )))the school where the congressman received his law degree. I worked out of the district office under Mike Sweeney, the Administrative Director. There was so much turmoil that renumeration was never discussed. Our assignment was to "find those who had written books critical of the domestic activity of the CIA and the FBI and to compile briefs for the congressman of material that had not yet been published". This is how I became acquainted with Sherman Skolnick, Penn Jones, Mae Brussels and many other independent researchers.

The very first week we started, one of the most shocking incidents of my life occurred. We were doing background research on the Mafia overlord of Chicago, Sam Giancano, who a few weeks before had given testimony along with organized crime associate, Johnny Rosselli, before the CHURCH COMMITTEE on CIA/Mafia assassinations plots against Fidel Castro. Two weeks earlier Rosselli's body had turned up off the shore of Miami, stuffed in an oil drum. I can vividly remember the paralyzing fear that spread through the office the day we read that Giancona had been shot five times in the face in his Chicago home. Giancona was scheduled to give additional testimony before the CHURCH COMMITTEE and we were aware that he was under 24 hour FBI surveillance at the time.

As shocking as such a rub out under these circumstances was, the most shocking thing was the news black out of this event all across the country. All that was in the PLAIN DEALER was a 2 inch column which mentioned nothing of the probable motive for this murder. We searched the nation's newspapers for any reference to our investigation in vain. Mike Sweeney in unbelief repeated over and over as the rest of us sat stunned, "Next week it could be one of us who is murdered and the press may never mention the investigation we are doing". This was the first of many news black outs I was to witness.

I thoroughly investigated one Watergate incident that was almost completely blacked out by major media. This was the sabotaged plane crash of UNITED flight 553 wherein Mrs. E. Howard Hunt and 11 others directly connected to the Watergate scandal died. Mrs. Hunt boarded the plane in Washington D.C. with 1.9 million dollars in Postal Money Orders in her possession, with CBS correspondent Michelle Clark and a congressman investigating Watergate ))) both also killed. Before the crash I had known that Mrs. Hunt was making statements that she had "enough information to impeach the president".

After independently verifying the research of Sherman Skolnic of CITIZENS COMMITTEE TO CLEAN UP THE COURTS I did not find it difficult to convince the congressman that something significant had happened there. Then things took a odd twist. Stanton gaveT h) Tme the private number for Senator John Tower and told me that I should not waste time giving this information to Tower on the Senate side.

I had learned enough by this time not to have any trust for those on the Texas scene at the time of the JFK murder ))) least of all Tower. I tried to tell Stanton that when Oswald sought to come back from the USSR this was initiated by a letter to Senator Tower and that Oswald's repatriation was "unusually rapid" and that Tower had personally signed the waiver for Marina Oswald to enter the country. A` l* A

This did not dampen Stanton's enthusiasm for this assignment one bit. I said to myself "Lord, Why me?" I made the call to Tower who was very cordial, even enthusiastic, but who made no effort to follow through as he promised he would. Shortly after this I lost my nerve and hurriedly left Cleveland to continue my research from the safe distance of Phoenix, Arizona. I said to myself that I had no business being in this milieu. It has since astounded me that Tower could hold the chairmanship of the SENATE ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE while his brother)in)law, Sam Cummings was the world's largest arms dealer in small automatic weapons.

There is no doubt that the assassination of President Kennedy was the pivotal event of the 20th century. There would have been no Vietnam war as Kennedy had made arrangements to return all U.S. troops. Our nation has been bleeding ever since.

John Judge has given what I think is the best definition of the NEW WORLD ORDER ) ALL GOVERNMENTS AGAINST ALL PEOPLE. Dan Rather and Ted Kopel portray world events as the good world leaders against the bad world leaders. I MAINTAIN THAT THERE ARE NO GOOD WORLD LEADERS. Fidel Castro, Margaret Thatcher, Molimar Kadafi, Saddham Hussain, Ronald Reagan or Mikhail Gorbechev all have more in common with each other than they do with the people they govern. The pretext of world conflict keeps each of them secure in power and provides a context wherein it is possible to eliminate trouble makers. If there were good world leaders, where were they after President Kennedy was assassinated?

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