Wednesday, July 16, 2008


(A Brian Quig Article From 1991)

I have just received a review copy of Col. L. Fletcher Prouty's latest book ))) due to be released September 23rd. by CAROL PUBLISHING under the title JFK: THE CIA, VIETNAM AND THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT KENNEDY. This is the most significant book of its kind to be published in 20 years. I urge every MER reader to call his local bookstore and place his order now.

Many have alleged that the CIA and its intelligence allies have financed and directed both right and left wing armies and clashed them in "phoney communistic wars". Many have also alleged an unholy alliance between CIA and KGB employing these morally depraved methods. Previously these contentions were made by outsiders like Anthony Sutton and Gary Allen. Now all this is presented in startling detail by an insider who was the liaison between the Secretary of Defence and the CIA Director at the time of the JFK murder.

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